Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tool 8.1 CARE Model: Planning Tool

Tool 8.1 CARE Model: Planning Tool
Identify Concerns that must change (look to the future)
(Assign points to concerns from 1 to 3 in the order of the most important issues to consider.)
1. The greatest concern I have is educate students and parents about testing available to middle level students.  My campus has a large population of non-English speaking parents and although translators are available sometimes the parents do not return phone call or they are hesitant to communicate with the school. We have to address this issue to move forward.
2. The next concern I have is if funding and the approval will be there to add more high school level classes.  Funding is always an issue but because this plan is truly aligned with our campus and districts plan of becoming the premier district in the state of Texas I feel that we will have to find the funding because this will truly be beneficial to the majority of our students. 
3. Lastly I am concerned about expanding method of delivery of instruction; virtual classroom, online class, etc.  Increasing college readiness at the middle level can be achieved by adding the higher level classes and testing alone but I feel this will only enhance the program and definitely move the district and the campus in the direction of their goal of being a premier district.  If we want stand out and be a great example for other campuses then we much incorporate this aspect of the plan.

Identify Affirmations that must be sustained (look to the present)
(Assign points to affirmations from 1 to 3 in the order of the most important issues to consider.)
1. A positive aspect is the current method used to evaluate and extrapolate data and testing procedure. Currently I feel so proud to be a part of my campus when it comes to how they use data and our testing procedures.  We need to continue the way that we use data and incorporate better ideas when they are discovered either through staff development or by chance. 
2. Another positive aspect is the current technology integration (Act iv boards in every room, Mac books, I touches, and new state of the art library).  Last year we were awarded bond funds and you can really see the funds at work in our new library that has not officially opened.  Ipads, I touches, flip cameras, Mac computers, modern furniture, cafĂ© style study area, large screens, Act IV board in the class are phenomenal.  We need to keep the technology integration.    
3. Another positive aspect is the staff development and cross training teachers offered by the district. Anything that a new teacher or a veteran teacher of 25 years feels that they need to be trained on it is available.  One thing that has been great is a great number of these trainings have been held on the campus and that is great for teachers.  We want to continue offering meaningful staff development and cross training teachers.    

SMART Recommendations that must be implemented:
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely)
(Assign points to recommendations from 1 to 3 in the order of the most important recommendations to implement.)
1. I will need to take part in the implementation of the Explore (ACT) testing for all eighth graders.  Here I will work to see if we can improve our practice and procedure by observing students when I am not administering the test (during breaks).  Review the data after we have the scores and discuss with the counselors and CIS how we are using the data to see if we can make some improvements.  
2.  Next I will need to work to increase the number of parents involved in the PTA.  Our parent representation of the PTA is a small percentage of the students but they are wonderful and do a great job.  Our teachers support the PTA by making a strong effort to have 100% join.  If we can increase the number of parents maybe the other parents will not have to work so hard.
3.  Last I will need to register students to take the ACT and SAT test…  Review results for Action Research plan.  I listed this recommendation last because although it is important we will have the 20% of the student population needed for the plan with the Explore test data but if we can have a small number of students participate in the SAT and ACT it can only be beneficial to the students and add to the data.

EVALUATE – Specifically and Often
(Identify the best ways to evaluate the implemented recommendations.)
1. Survey staff prior to testing the students to get recommendations about increasing college readiness at the middle level. My goal is to have those that are most affected by the plan to be directly involved in sharing their knowledge and feelings about what can make us stronger.   
2. I will use the teachers and students top recommendations and incorporate the top three recommendations into the survey. 
3. Then I plan to survey students after testing to see if they felt this experience will help prepare them for college.  Record student recommendations pre-test and post-test. Use the student recommendations to improve the plan.  Again, those directly affected by the data are involved in the action research process.    

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